Why our customers love stance equitec’s turmericle

PHOTO BY: Crystal Langford

Several years ago my friends Francine and Christine (aka the Hoof Geeks ), introduced me to Turmericle for horses and dogs. I was already well versed with the virtues of CoolStance and had gone to great efforts to get it into Canada but Turmericle was something I had very little experience with. Francine mentioned they had been employing Turmericle to assist in the recovery and rehabilitation of several laminitic horses among their clients. Intrigued, I decided to give it a try for my own horses and dogs. It didn't take long for me to recognize its efficacy in managing inflammatory issues and age-related changes.

My aging horses seemed to move better and more comfortable (daily use). My riding horses seemed to recover faster from big rides (intermittent use — like a human would use Advil as needed) and my dogs, both my young one recovering from surgery and my old gal — it really just helped them recover faster and improved their overall health.

Turmericle Golden Gel (for topical use) has also been a game changer and I’ve used it on gaping, open wounds with success and also as a bug repellent for the horses who are chewed raw in the ears every summer! Not sure the bugs are fond of the taste 😂.

In the years that I’ve sold Turmericle, I’ve seen massive impacts like Hero (the horse featured in this post) and more vague but significant impacts. It’s just one of those versatile and effective tools to have in your toolbox!

~ Leah


“Turmericle made a visible difference in my horse almost immediately! I have a 22 year old percheron who weighs over 2000lbs and is over 18hh. He’s been a logging horse, working carriage horse, 6-hitch show horse, and a dear friend. Because he’s been such a hard working big boy, he started slowing down about 5 or 6 years ago. His slowness then turned to a stiffness that was starting to cause him serious problems; He was having a difficult time laying down, and even fell back over trying to get up once or twice. At times he couldn’t hold his hind leg up long enough for the farrier to give him a trim. I did everything that I could think of at first, such as glucosamine, MSM, Legends injections, chiropractic work, steady/gentle exercise, and even bute when he needed it. All of these things helped in small ways, but nothing made the sustainable difference that he needed to live a comfortable life.

We have 5 fields that are all connected, and during the winter when Hero couldn’t go out to exercise due to icy roads, I’d open all the gates and feed him in the opposite field that he was in, just to keep him moving, but he needed more. Finally, my farrier recommended Turmericle. I know that it usually takes time for products like this to show results, but within the first week I noticed my horse trotting through the fields to get to his feedings. Then the trot turned into a canter, and the canter to a gallop. Pretty soon, he’d get so excited that he’d twist his body mid-canter to give a little side kick of excitement! It was amazing to see him feeling so good, and for it to happen so quickly!

My horse is big, and getting pretty old for his size, so he still does have bad days sometimes when the weather changes, but at least now I only need one supplement, plus Chiropractic alignments when his body needs some adjusting. It feels so good knowing that I have it under control with Turmericle, and that he has a happy, healthy future ahead of him.”


“I would use Turmericle solely for the benefits it provides for my horse’s joints, but I’ve noticed other benefits since using it as well…”


“For one thing, my horse is a lot less gassy. We used to make jokes, while taking kids out on carriage tours, about how his farts gave him “jet propulsion” 😂 😂 😂. His gas was so regular that I could always count on it happening multiple times, and people thought that it was so funny.

Another benefit has been his skin. He used to get raw spots in his armpits that would attract flies, and now his skin is so much healthier that I rarely have to use bug repellent on those sections. Plus, there’s no more dandruff in his fetlock feathering, and being a black horse, he’s far less “dusty” looking now that his skin seems less dry.

I could go on and on, but instead I’ve included a video to show the improvement in his movement within this past year. Keep in mind that he’s only been able to walk or slow trot during the prior 4 or 5 years of using it!”

“If your horse is stiff or slowing down, please do them a favour and try Turmericle. It can help in more ways than you think.”

Crystal Langford, Nelson BC

Note: We carry Crystal’s fabulous ‘MOOI EQUINE BUG BALM’ here in our shop.

We also highly recommend the whole Mooi Natural Essentials line of human skin care!


Leah Hope, owner of Little Oasis Equine Store and her gelding Spirit.

Until next time,

Leah Hope


A summer of Horse camping & Osteopathic conference in Alberta


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