Equine Choice Prebiotic + Probiotic

from $25.00

THE EQUINE CHOICE POWDER is a daily supplement added to a horse’s diet to help restore and MAINTAIN healthy fibre fermentation, hind-gut function, nutrient absorption, and ultimately overall performance. It is recommended to use the paste as a loading dose EACH TIME you need to introduce the powder to the diet.

THE EQUINE CHOICE PASTE is a highly digestible concentrate that aids microflora repopulation in acute digestive upsets or as the loading dose for the daily granular (powder) supplement. Offer 20ml per day for 8 days as a loading dose.

NEW Pre+Probiotic Starter Pack 4.2 kg Powder + 3 Tubes of paste = $10 savings. Will last one horse approximately 3-4 months.

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THE EQUINE CHOICE POWDER is a daily supplement added to a horse’s diet to help restore and MAINTAIN healthy fibre fermentation, hind-gut function, nutrient absorption, and ultimately overall performance. It is recommended to use the paste as a loading dose EACH TIME you need to introduce the powder to the diet.

THE EQUINE CHOICE PASTE is a highly digestible concentrate that aids microflora repopulation in acute digestive upsets or as the loading dose for the daily granular (powder) supplement. Offer 20ml per day for 8 days as a loading dose.

NEW Pre+Probiotic Starter Pack 4.2 kg Powder + 3 Tubes of paste = $10 savings. Will last one horse approximately 3-4 months.

Equine Choice AFX
from $199.99

THE EQUINE CHOICE POWDER is a daily supplement added to a horse’s diet to help restore and MAINTAIN healthy fibre fermentation, hind-gut function, nutrient absorption, and ultimately overall performance. It is recommended to use the paste as a loading dose EACH TIME you need to introduce the powder to the diet.

THE EQUINE CHOICE PASTE is a highly digestible concentrate that aids microflora repopulation in acute digestive upsets or as the loading dose for the daily granular (powder) supplement. Offer 20ml per day for 8 days as a loading dose.

NEW Pre+Probiotic Starter Pack 4.2 kg Powder + 3 Tubes of paste = $10 savings. Will last one horse approximately 3-4 months.



Equine Choice Prebiotic + Probiotic granular and paste supplements contain live encapsulated saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast enabling the yeast to make it to the hind-gut to stabilize pH levels for proper fermentation. Equine Choice products contain digestive enzymes and good bacteria. Bacillus bacteria is a heat and acid-tolerant bacteria, which enables it to make it to the hind-gut and has a stable shelf life in the barn setting. The prebiotic portion of the supplement is mannan-oligosaccharide (MOS) a yeast cell wall that works as a toxin binder to help remove toxins from the digestive system and provide nutrients to the probiotic bacteria. Equine Choice supplements also contain B-vitamins, Vitamin E and the Amino Acids L- Glutamine and L-Threonine providing complete digestive health.

Equine Choice Prebiotic + Probiotic supplements survive stomach acid reaching the hind-gut assisting in consistent pH levels and proper hind-gut fermentation resulting in:

  • Better feed and nutrients intake

  • Preventing and treating digestive issues such as excessive gas and bloating, diarrhoea

  • Increased water consumption to prevent dehydration

  • Improved fibre and starch digestion

  • Better immune response

  • Increased performance due to a proper functioning digestive system

1.7kg will last 34 days for 1 horse.
4.2kg will last 84 days for 1 horse.
20kg is perfect for multiple horses.


Powder: Bacillus bacteria, live encapsulated yeast, digestive enzymes, mannan-oligosaccharide, vitamin B pack, L-glutamine, L-threonine, vitamin E, oat bran, and mineral oil.

Paste: Bacillus and Lactobacillus bacteria, live encapsulated yeast, digestive enzymes, mannan-oligosaccharide, vitamin B pack, L-glutamine, L-threonine, vitamin E, canola oil, and oat flour.


Powder: 1 Level scoop (25 g) orally twice daily OR 50 g in one feeding.

Paste: Administer 10-20 ml according to body weight orally per day.

10 ml for less than 200 kg. 20 ml for over 200 kg.

Download and print this chart and keep at the barn.


Recommendations for Use

*See the chart in the Feeding Guide above for dosage recommendations.

Horses in Training or in Heavy Work

Horses that are in training, competing, heavy work, and eating large amounts of grains or feeds benefit from Equine Choice supplements. Large meals quickly by-pass the stomach where starches and sugars end up in the hindgut causing lowered pH. This may result in excess gas, bloating, and hindgut acidosis. When good bacteria decrease the harmful bacteria in the hindgut start to take over. Equine Choice helps flourish the hindgut with beneficial bacteria and regulates pH levels assisting in a proper functioning digestive system.


Horses that go off their feed, are under stress when showing, or do not drink well on long trips benefit from Equine Choice. Equine Choice paste can be given prior to shipping, while on the road, after arrival, and before showing for these types of horses.

Rescue Horses

Horses that are malnourished, rescued, or have an unknown history will benefit from Equine Choice supplements added to their diet. A properly functioning digestive tract will assist with weight gain and effective digestion of hay and feeds. Equine Choice paste will restore the horse’s digestive system to normal function; then followed by the granular supplement to maintain and support.

Breeding Horses

Broodmares benefit from Equine Choice supplements prior to and after foaling. As the fetus grows, compresses, and crowds the mare’s digestive tract. This may result in digestive upset or the mare going off her feed. Equine Choice replenishes good bacteria and assists with appetite. The use of Equine Choice paste on mares who are off their feed or foaling will help restore and support proper function of the digestive system and assist with appetite.


Newborn horses benefit from Equine Choice paste as their digestive systems are without bacteria and not fully developed. Use of Equine Choice paste will reduce or eliminate foal scours while adding good bacteria to create an optimal environment for a properly functioning digestive system. A healthy digestive tract will assist with proper growth and a healthy immune system.


Weaning is a stressful time for young horses. Using Equine Choice paste prior to and after weaning ensures consistent appetite and decrease digestive upsets due to stress and changes in diet.


Some breeding stallions are under stress during the breeding season. Use of Equine Choice will maintain a consistent appetite and prevent digestive upsets from stress and changes in routine.

Antibiotic Treatments

Antibiotics will deplete the number of good bacteria in the hindgut. Equine Choice supplements will replenish the good bacteria and assist in any digestive issues the horse may be having resulting from antibiotics. Equine Choice helps restore the horse to normal digestive function.

Worming Treatments

Equine Choice paste will help with horses that have been wormed and have a compromised digestive system due to the number of worms in their system. Equine Choice helps restore the horse to normal digestive function. Equine Choice supplements are safe to use with all worming programs.

Diet Changes

When changing feed or hay due to the time of year or situation, Equine Choice will aid in the transition as the digestive system adjusts to the new diet thereby reducing chance of digestive problems.


Horses prone to bouts of colic and gas should receive Equine Choice supplements daily to assist with proper fibre digestion helping lessen the buildup of gas due to improper starch digestion and hindgut acidosis. Equine Choice is not a treatment for colic due to twists or impaction but may help prevent these issues with a proper functioning digestive system. Equine Choice supplements are not a substitute for proper veterinary care.

Equine Gastric Ulcer

Horses have evolved to be continually feeding, which means the acid is continuously secreted into the stomach. This means that prolonged periods without food to neutralize that acid can lead to ulcerations. When horses are denied free access to feed or fail to eat, ulcers can develop rapidly. The use of Equine Choice AFX, along with Equine Choice Granular Supplement daily, the stomach acid will be buffered and a coating will line the stomach to assist in repairing ulcerations.

Loose Stool or Diarrhea

Many factors can be the cause of loose stool or diarrhoea including sickness, toxin ingestion, bad bacteria, or grain overload. To stop this metabolic issue a horse needs to rebalance the good bacteria and digestive enzymes. The Equine Choice Prebiotic + Probiotic paste will quickly replenish good bacteria, and bind with toxins to assist with the toxin removal. The paste will reduce diarrhoea and in some cases, eliminate it while restoring proper digestive function. Using Equine Choice granular daily will help prevent this from reoccurring.

Insulin Resistance

IR is the loss of insulin sensitivity on a cellular level. The horse will become intolerant to carbohydrates and sugars. This issue is typically related to obesity and laminitis in horses. The proper function of the digestive system is essential to ensuring the excess sugars and carbohydrates are not pushed through to the hindgut where they can cause a buildup of lactic acid, lower the pH, and destroy beneficial bacteria. Equine Choice has digestive enzymes to assist with carbohydrate digestion and will help maintain the natural balance of the hindgut to assist with fibre fermentation.

Poor Quality Hay/Moldy Hay

The prebiotic in Equine Choice will bind with toxins and assist in removal from the horse’s digestive tract. The good bacteria and yeast will assist with fibre digestion and maintain healthy mucosal lining.


There are many reasons for obesity in horses, the most common cause is the animals’ diet. The belief that obese horses is better to have no feed and little hay can have its disadvantages. With horses being continuous feeding animals this may result in digestive issues, and lack of nutrients to complete the whole health of the horse. Proper nutrition and Equine Choice added to the program your horse can receive limited calories, while enough vitamins and minerals to be healthy.


Inflammation of the laminae is a very painful condition. Many factors can cause a horse to suffer from this condition including grain overload to ingestion of toxins. Equine Choice will reinforce the barrier function of the intestinal lining lowering the chance of toxins entering the bloodstream. Continuous use of Equine Choice will assist in preventing further attacks of laminitis by helping the digestive tract stay healthy and utilize nutrients correctly.

Hindgut Acidosis

Large amounts of sugars and carbohydrates cannot be digested in the stomach and are pushed into the hindgut to be broken down creating gas and lactic acid build-up. Lactic acid affects the pH level in the hindgut destroying beneficial bacteria. The daily use of Equine Choice will improve hindgut pH levels, flourish the hindgut with beneficial bacteria to promote appetite and assist in proper fibre digestion.

PPID/Cushing’s Disease

PPID horses have a dysfunction in the pituitary gland. Most horses with this issue will have thick coats, fatty deposits, and fluctuation of hormones, but should be tested for a proper diagnosis. Cushing’s diagnosed horses that are on extended medications will benefit from Equine Choice to assist in rebuilding the proper gut flora as well as help maintain proper digestion of fibres and any carbohydrates that may be found in their feed.

Equine Metabolic Syndrome / EMS

EMS is an all-encompassing chronic issue that relates to insulin resistance and metabolic hormone imbalance leading to obesity, laminitis, and leaky gut syndrome. The horse will be unable to properly metabolize carbohydrates leading to insulin resistance. The enzymes in Equine Choice will help break down the carbohydrates that the body cannot metabolize properly. Equine Choice will help with fibre digestion which makes up a majority of an EMS horse’s diet.

Tying Up

Horses will present symptoms of muscle stiffness, and pain. Tying up can attack a fit horse sporadically or a horse with pre-existing conditions chronically. Equine Choice supplements daily will ensure better absorption of electrolytes and minerals. To prevent acute episodes of stress and tying up Equine Choice paste should be given before riding or showing.

Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy / PSSM

Horses with PSSM may have muscle tremors and in extreme cases will tie-up. The horse is unable to break down excess sugars and carbohydrates instead absorbing them into the muscle. Typically this is a hereditary issue in drafts, paints, and quarter horses. A properly formulated diet with Equine Choice Supplement will assist a PSSM horse in proper digestion of the special needs diet, and relieve strain on the kidneys from the extra minerals given. The digestive enzymes in Equine Choice will also help break down the sugars and carbohydrate before they enter the hindgut making mineral digestion more effective.

Developmental Orthopaedic disease / DOD or DCD, Epiphysitis, or Contracted Tendons

When a young horse’s body is properly using the nutrients given it will have a positive effect on growth rates. Young horses with DOD who are on stall rest or medication to deal with the condition can benefit from Equine Choice to prevent any digestive disruptions and maintain the proper function of the digestive system.

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