Power Stance

from $79.99

Powdered Coconut Oil for Horses and Dogs.

Power Stance is a high energy feed supplement containing 70% natural coconut oil and is a rich source of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MTCs). It may be used for rapid release energy, maintaining gut health, assisting in weight gain and promoting a brilliant sleek and healthy coat.

  • GMO and sugar-free

  • Easy to feed, no mess no fuss. In our Canadian climate (winter!) you don’t need to worry like with liquid oils that can go solid in the cold.

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Powdered Coconut Oil for Horses and Dogs.

Power Stance is a high energy feed supplement containing 70% natural coconut oil and is a rich source of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MTCs). It may be used for rapid release energy, maintaining gut health, assisting in weight gain and promoting a brilliant sleek and healthy coat.

  • GMO and sugar-free

  • Easy to feed, no mess no fuss. In our Canadian climate (winter!) you don’t need to worry like with liquid oils that can go solid in the cold.

Powdered Coconut Oil for Horses and Dogs.

Power Stance is a high energy feed supplement containing 70% natural coconut oil and is a rich source of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MTCs). It may be used for rapid release energy, maintaining gut health, assisting in weight gain and promoting a brilliant sleek and healthy coat.

  • GMO and sugar-free

  • Easy to feed, no mess no fuss. In our Canadian climate (winter!) you don’t need to worry like with liquid oils that can go solid in the cold.



  • Powdered Coconut Oil

  • A rich source of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MTCs)

  • High energy (29.4MJ/kg or 3.18MCal/lb)

  • Power Stance contains 70% natural coconut oil

  • Brilliant coat, mane and tail condition

  • May conserve muscle glycogen, allowing horses to train harder for longer

  • MCTs comprise lauric and capric acids which may have antimicrobial actions (i.e anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal)

  • Assists in maintaining appetite and natural digestive function


A Proprietary Blend of [Coconut oil, Purified GM-free corn starch, Hydrated Silica] 28g

Guaranteed Analysis:

  • Digestible Energy: 29.4 MJ/kg (3.18MCal/lb)

  • Oil: 70% (as coconut oil)

  • Max. Crude Fibre: <0.5%

  • Calcium: 0.0%

  • Phosphorus: 0.0%

  • Medium Chain Triglycerides: 50% of coconut oil

  • Fatty Acids: Lauric Acid (C:12): 44.5% (as %oil)

  • Myristic Acid (C:14): 17.5% (as % oil)

  • Palmitic (C:16): 8% (as % oil)

  • Oleic (C:18.1): 6% (as % oil)



Add to feed with 25g scoop.

Power Stance should be introduced gradually into the diet, building up to the required dose rate slowly over a 2 week period. The daily dose should be divided and fed in 2 meals per day. Power Stance should be fed as part of a balanced diet.

Coat conditioner: 50g

Gut health and appetite stimulant: 50g

‘Cool energy' source: 100g or 200g​

Weight gain:

Morning feed: 4 - 6 x 25g scoop
Night feed: 4 - 6 x 25g scoop

305g Power Stance is equivalent in energy to ​1 cup of vegetable oil

Recommended application for a 500kg horse.​


Introduce slowly into diet over a few days. Add to feed daily.

Weight of Dog:

Small 5kg — 1/2 teaspoon (2.5g)

Medium 15kg — 1 + 1/2 teaspoon (7.5g)

Large 25kg — 2 + 1/2 teaspoon (12.5g)

Extra Large 40kg+ — 4 teaspoons (20g)




“I was having so many problems with my main competition mare as she got very sick at the Arabian Australian Championships and all went downhill from there. 2 different vets and as many tests as we could do and nothing helped.. Silver became quite underweight, poor hoof condition, coat colour was dull and dry, she was unhappy and had a lack of energy (she's known for being lazy but nothing like this) and over all she had lost her sparkle in her eye and half her mane was gone... 8 days it took me to start seeing a difference, and 14 days to a month she was picking up in condition through her body and weight. Her hooves were slowly becoming what they used to be and her coat was somehow rejuvenated (She's a Palomino so i am very wary of smutting but what we got was Shiny, soft and healthy dapples - NO SMUT!.. I couldn't believe my horse was back. After this, all my horses were going on it..

Seeing the changes in my horses, not just in physical changes you can see but also in my horses behaviour! Not to mention the 8 reserve champions, 8 champions, 1 supreme, 2 Garlands and a Rug that Aloha Silhouette achieved after putting her on PowerStance!!!

TRY IT! You have nothing to lose! Fussy horses, difficult horses... you'll be amazed in the results you get!”


"My farrier comments on how healthy Jum Jum Spirit’s hooves are. I put nothing on these tough, healthy feet. It is purely his healthy diet and exercise. Jum Jum Spirit’s glossy coat, healthy hooves and soft flowing mane and tail have improved since PowerStance was introduced into his diet. Packed with all the goodness of coconut oil PowerStance has cleverly been powdered which has made feeding coconut oil a dream."

Virginia Dale

Itch In Our Dog Olivia

"Hello there. I'd love to chat about my dog Olivia. She is now so well and so happy. For 4 years she has had intense itchy skin (diagnosed atopic dermatitis by Beth McDonald dermatologist at Sydney Referral Hospital) which started at 12 weeks. She is highly allergic to most plants and most food and I have not used any chemicals on her for 2 years when she scratched all the skin off her neck in response to Frontline. Many many graphic pictures. She has been shaved close to the skin for 3 years until I started her on turmeric and PowerStance when I bought it. Always had fungal problems chewing her feet and her legs and yeast infections in her ears. Every med under the sun ... up to about $7,000 in vet fees plus all the meds from the atopy one to antibiotics by the truckload. She still has her vaccine made up for her by Beth but I am now down to an injection every 5 weeks. This time last year I tried to take her off it as it was $500 but problems developed after a month or two and I had to take her back to Beth.

Now she has PowerStance and turmeric and cracked pepper and grass-fed beef (mince @4.50 a kg) and there is no problem, A long a full gleaming coat and no sign of any fungal or itch problems even in this 40 degree heat in the valley. But we are off to the beach this morning for her to chase some seagulls through the waves. The key thing is that while it is wonderful for her coat and the fungal and yeast infections in toes and ear canals respectively have decreased, it is the taste of PowerStance that is magic. My dog is addicted to it and will eat the lovely soft flakes from my hand. This is the FIRST time in 4 years of her 4.2 year life that she has had a gleaming and luscious looking coat and I am sooooo proud of it."

Pamela and Olivia


Do I have to reduce the quantity of CoolStance I feed if I add in PowerStance?

No not at all! Because PowerStance is simply coconut oil, its use will compound the effects of natural coconut meal. The addition of PowerStance to your feed will allow you to see visible results quicker and ensure your horses gut health is improved.

CoolStance Copra CoolStance Copra
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Why Feed Oil?

Oils may be added to the diet as a source of ‘non-fizzy” feed. When starch (typically in the form of grain), is fed to horses in large quantities, there is a risk of starch overload into the hindgut. This can culminate in “fizzy” behaviour, which can result in stressful and dangerous situations for both horse and rider. The risk of starch overload can be minimized by replacing some grain in the feed with oil, to provide energy. Oil provides a source of ‘cool’ energy, which is not associated with ‘fizzy’ behaviour.

Soy Vs Coconut Oil?

Coconut Oil and Soy Oil are both used as ‘cool & safe’ sources of concentrated energy and are fed for conditioning, coat shine and weight gain, or to supply extra energy in the diets of hard-working horses. Their similarities and differences are described as follows: Coconut Oil is a highly stable tropical oil, meaning that Coconut Oil is not prone to rancidity and maintains its nutrient status over long periods. This contains mainly saturated fatty acids of short and medium-chain length. Short and medium-chain fatty acids are quickly metabolized and available for use as ready energy for high-intensity work. Lauric acid (the main fatty acid in coconut oil) is also associated with having antiviral, antibacterial and immune-boosting properties. Produced from soybeans, commercially available soy oils are often highly refined and have usually been chemically extracted. Soy Oil is rich in long-chain fatty acids and contains predominantly polyunsaturated fatty acids, making it prone to rancidity.

Can PowerStance be fed to Competition/Race horses?

PowerStance is 100% natural, and much easier to handle than and store than liquid oils. PowerStance can also be used in conjunction with medications for gastrointestinal ulceration and will not return a positive swab.

What is MCT oil?

Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids (medium-chain triglycerides) that are easier to digest, absorb and utilize in comparison to the long-chain fatty acids found in other oils such as maize, soy, canola and rice-bran oil. Medium-chain fatty acids appear to behave more like glucose than fat in the body and are preferentially oxidized to generate energy over long-chain fatty acids, meaning coconut oil provides a ready source of energy for use during exercise. Some of the medium-chain fatty acids (lauric acid, capric acid) in coconut oil possess antibacterial and antiviral properties. These fatty acids may assist the horse’s immune system in fighting off viral and bacterial challenges, leading to improved overall gut health and wellbeing.

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