Placid Rein PLUS

from $119.95

Placid Rein PLUS is a unique powdered formula designed to support normal stress in horses and to help maintain a consistent attitude to work whether at home or away.

  • Helps maintain calmness

  • Contains resveratrol and Withania (also known as ashwagandha)

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Placid Rein PLUS is a unique powdered formula designed to support normal stress in horses and to help maintain a consistent attitude to work whether at home or away.

  • Helps maintain calmness

  • Contains resveratrol and Withania (also known as ashwagandha)

Placid Rein PLUS is a unique powdered formula designed to support normal stress in horses and to help maintain a consistent attitude to work whether at home or away.

  • Helps maintain calmness

  • Contains resveratrol and Withania (also known as ashwagandha)



Placid Rein PLUS can be administered daily and long term for high strung or nervous horses. Alternatively, it may be used to help pre-event nerves.

Symptoms of nervous horses

  • Excessive sweating, even in moderate climates

  • Loss of condition (especially when travelling)

  • Refusal to eat or drink in different environments

  • Excitable and/or difficult to manage


A proprietary blend [Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Magnesium sulphate, Magnesium proteinate, Tyrosine, Glutamic acid, seaweed-derived calcium, Beta-glucans, Baikal skullcap, Diamond V Yeast XPC, Resveratrol, Withania] 35g


Add to feed twice daily. Can be used as a daily supplement or five days prior to an event

Morning feed: 1 x 35g scoop

Evening feed: 1 x 35g scoop


2 photos of a horse then horse with his rider with testimonial about Stance Equitec Placid Rein Plus calming horse supplement
photo of eventing horse 'Naughty Numan' jumping an obstacle alongside the owner's testimonial about how much calmer he is while on Placid Rein Plus

Naughty Newman

I started feeding Naughty Numan, a 6 yr old off track thoroughbred at the time, placid rein plus to help with the high levels of anxiety this horse had. During training sessions and trail rides he would work himself up to moments of explosions and wouldn’t be able to “come back down” or concentrate on getting back to work. Since feeding him this supplement (2 years later) I have noticed a HUGE drastic change in the way his brain works now. He has calmed down significantly, if he does get elevated he now comes back down shortly after and gets right back to work. He is now able to concentrate longer on training exercises and in all has become much more level headed. I have experimented with taking him off the supplement for a bit and have noticed he goes right back to that elevated state and is hard “to come back”. I 100% think this product helps my hot thoroughbred to stay level headed.


About the Ingredients


Resveratrol has been added as an antioxidant that may help the body efficiently detoxify free radicals and may assist in decreasing inflammation.

B Vitamins

Placid Rein PLUS contains high levels of B vitamins which support nervous system function.


Magnesium is included in several forms as it has a role in many processes in the body. Magnesium deficiency can cause nervous or anxious behaviour.

Withania / Ashwagandha

Withania — also known as ashwagandha — is a valued herb that may have calming, de-stressing and mood-lifting properties. It may help with tension and stress during events and training.

Baikal Skull Cap

Baikal skull cap is a herb that has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine as a natural calmer.


Tyrosine is used in humans to treat anxiety.

Glutamic Acid

Glutamic acid is included for its role in brain metabolism.

Seaweed Derived Calcium

Seaweed derived calcium is a rich source of magnesium and calcium.

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